Banglalink job circular 2018 has been published by the authority. It’s an attractive job circular. Almost,everyone want to join a popular institute. In this case, banglalink is too much perfect. Because Banglalink is the largest telecommunication company in Bangladesh. Otherwise, Banglalink recruit many people to work with this company,so that,unemployed people can establish their career.
Over all, banglalink is part of Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd. (previously Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Ltd.) is fully owned by Telecom Ventures Ltd. When banglalink started it’s work that time it was not popular like at present. Day by day, banglalink increasing it’s performance by expert worker. Specially, & banglalink network is the best mobile network in our country.
Recently, banglalink published a great job circular in the department of digital services & division of commercial. It’s an huge job circular. The last date for applications is 13 and 8 February 2018 If you want to apply,you should submit your application within short time. If you want to get the banglalink job circular 2018 related all information,you can visit my website that is banglalink job circular 2018 has been converted to an image file,so that all the people easily to get better information. With banglalink job circular 2018 related all information has been given bellow by an image file.
Job Nature : Full Time.
Education Qualification : Please,See The Job Circular.
Experience : Please,See The Job Circular.
Job Location : Please,See The Job Circular.
Age limit : Please,See The Job Circular.
Online Application Form
Banglalink e-Recruitment System
Welcome to the e-Recruitment System of banglalink digital communications limited. To apply online, you have to fill up the online Application/Resume Form and then submit it online.
If you are applying against any particular advertised position, please go through the job requirements before applying.
Please note that, you will be provided a tracking no. after successful submission of your application/CV form. Using the tracking no. and password (provided by you at the time of form submission), you can update/edit your CV at any future time or apply to Banglalink against any position advertised at this e-Recruitment system.
Following Jobs are Currently Offered at Banglalink:
Job Title
Job Detail
1. Information Technology Senior Manager, BSS
August 23, 2018
2. Revenue Assurance & Fraud Management Specialist
August 19, 2018
3. Regional Strategy & Planning Senior Manager (based in regional offices)
August 18, 2018
4. Program Coordinator
August 16, 2018
Banglalink is an equal opportunity employer and we are determined to uphold this commitment throughout the recruitment process. We do not discriminate or give undue preference to any specific individual or group.
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